Advises and features
We recommend you, for a better security, to take the walking stick by the central part of the knob so the pressure will be made in the most possible vertical position. Never make the pressure on one end of the knob, doing in the correct way you will avoid the lever effect that could damage the resistance of the knob or the joining of the two parts: knob and stick.
The best height will be the one that allow you to walk with your arm half bended, as you can see in the drawing; normally the knob should be at the same height of your hip bone.
information for your guidance:
For a person of size (cm): 160-165-170-175-180-185-190
need a lenght cane of(cm): 83- 86-- 89 -- 92-- 94--96--99
Please try to avoid a bad use of the walking stick.
The walking stick isn’t a weapon; it cannot be used to hit anything or anyone.
The continuous falling of the walking stick can erode the firmness of the knob and/or of the wood stick. These fallings can be avoided by the use of some straps that are held to the stick and to the wrist.
Please change the rubber pointer when you detect that they are worn so the walking stick will maintain the maximum adherence.
There are walking sticks that are for decorative purposes and are not recommended for daily use. Please get sure of the use for which you want the walking stick before buying it.
The standard length of the walking sticks is of 92/93 cm, if it is necessary to cut it adjusting the stick to a special measure the procedure should be the following: take out the rubber pointer, mark the length and cut it with a little saw with fine teeth, turning the stick so the wood will not be splinted. After this the rubber pointer should be replaced. Please be sure to cut the correct distance, remember that the sticks can be cut but never elongated.
The walking stick structure has four parts:
1.Knob. Part where the hand holds the stick. It can be of different materials: wood, acrylic, metal…
The usual forms are: Curved (A), Hook (B), T form (C) and S form (D).
2.Ferrule (VIROLLA): Normally it is made of metal, it has a decorative purpose but its principal function is to join the knob with the stick.
3.Stick: It is the central part of the walking stick. Usually it goes joined to the knob with an iron pin. It is made of wood, bamboo or aluminium.
4.Pointer: The part where the stick touches the ground. Nearly always is made of rubber. It can also be of metal or horn .