- chestnut tree
- basic serie
- methacrylate: basic
- methacrylate: colours
- methacrylate: cloth-ash wood
- methacrylate: miscellanea
- methacrylate: decor
- bamboo
- horn
- leather
- soft touch
- wood: series
- wood: ash wood (rustic style)
- wood: holm oak wood
- wood: olive, olive-ebony wood
- wood: bubinga
- wood: mongoy
- wood: mongoy-boxwood
- ebony: redwood and boxwwod
- wood: ebony
- special woods
- metal
- collapsibles
- extending
- folding: others
- folding: methacrylate
- folding: fabric
- folding: stamped
- folding: Finna designs
- folding: carbon fiber
- nickel silver-alpaca
- silver
- command canes
- collection: skull heads
- Collection: resin
- Collection: resin with bronze
- collection: solid bronze
- collection: swords
- collection: dual use
- collecting : hats
- collecting : ivory
- sport - leisure
- shoehorns
- umbrella
- cane holders
- accessories
- bronze esculptures
command canes
Different types of commanding sticks that can have the silk lace in different colours as for the authority rank.
There is also the option of presenting them in a case of Bordeaux colour.