- chestnut tree
- basic serie
- methacrylate: basic
- methacrylate: colours
- methacrylate: cloth-ash wood
- methacrylate: miscellanea
- methacrylate: decor
- bamboo
- horn
- leather
- soft touch
- wood: series
- wood: ash wood (rustic style)
- wood: holm oak wood
- wood: olive, olive-ebony wood
- wood: bubinga
- wood: mongoy
- wood: mongoy-boxwood
- ebony: redwood and boxwwod
- wood: ebony
- special woods
- metal
- collapsibles
- extending
- folding: others
- folding: methacrylate
- folding: fabric
- folding: stamped
- folding: Finna designs
- folding: carbon fiber
- nickel silver-alpaca
- silver
- command canes
- collection: skull heads
- Collection: resin
- Collection: resin with bronze
- collection: solid bronze
- collection: swords
- collection: dual use
- collecting : hats
- collecting : ivory
- sport - leisure
- shoehorns
- umbrella
- cane holders
- accessories
- bronze esculptures
collecting : hats
Artistic collection formed by 8 walking sticks with knobs that incorporate different types of hats matching with miniature walking sticks held by a bone hand. The knob is made with coral wood, the hats are of ebony or boxwood and the little walking sticks are made of ebony wood with a silver little knob. The ring is made in real silver; the stick is of beech wood and finished with a conical rubber pointer.
These walking sticks are decoration objects and are not recommended for daily use.